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ADVANCED OPEN WATER DIVER COURSE This course can be taken after completing the PADI Open Water Diver certification. It's titled PADI Advanced Open Water Diver because it advances your diving knowledge & skills. That’s what the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course is all about. You don’t have to be “advanced” to take... Find Out More

RESCUE DIVER COURSE Learn to prevent and manage problems in the water, and become more confident in your skills as a diver. It's challenging, yet very rewarding.  Scuba divers describe the PADI Rescue Diver course as the most challenging, yet most rewarding course they’ve ever taken. Why? Because you learn to prevent and... Find Out More

DIVEMASTER COURSE Be a leader who mentors and motivates others. Gain dive knowledge, supervision abilities, and become a role model to divers around the world. Love scuba diving? Want to share it with others on a whole new level? Take the PADI Divemaster course and do what you love to do as a career. Scuba divers look up to divemaste... Find Out More

ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR COURSE Start here to become a PADI dive Instructor. Share your passion with others and help them experience the same joy you have for scuba diving. If you like people, have a passion for scuba diving and want an extraordinary life – become a PADI Instructor. Teaching scuba diving allows you to share your love of the ... Find Out More

DISCOVER SCUBA DIVING EXPERIENCE Have you ever wondered what it's like to breathe underwater? If you want to try scuba diving, but aren't quite ready to take the plunge into a certification course, Discover Scuba Diving is for you.  While not a scuba certification course, Discover Scuba Diving is a quick and easy introduction to what ... Find Out More

EFR INSTRUCTOR COURSE Who should take this course? CPR and first aid are key skills that are important to everyone, not just scuba divers. As an Emergency First Response Instructor, you teach skills based on internationally recognized emergency care guidelines, and you can offer courses to anyone. The great thing about EFR courses is the... Find Out More

IDC Staff Instructor This course provides you with in-depth knowledge of the instructor development process and prepares you to shape the next generation of PADI Professionals. Just as scuba divers look up to divemasters, instructor candidates really respect IDC Staff Instructors. As the name implies, IDC Staff Instructors assist with i... Find Out More

MASTER SCUBA DIVER RATING Join the best of the best in recreational scuba diving and live the dive life as a PADI Master Scuba Diver. The Master Scuba Diver rating places you in an elite group of respected divers who have earned this rating through both significant experience and scuba training. Fewer than two percent of divers ever achieve ... Find Out More

Master Scuba Diver Trainer The ultimate recreational diver rating. All PADI Instructors who have certified at least 25 PADI Divers and have earned five or more PADI Specialty Instructor certifications can be a Master Scuba Diver Trainer. The PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating sets you apart as a dive instructor who takes continuing educat... Find Out More

OPEN WATER DIVER COURSE Discover the wonders of the underwater world and learn to scuba dive at Divers Cove, your premier PADI Five-Star scuba training center in the Fort Lauderdale area. Our PADI Open Water Diver Course offers all-inclusive packages starting at just $699 for group classes and $999 for private 1-1 instruction, providing top-n... Find Out More

OPEN WATER SCUBA INSTRUCTOR COURSE This is a two-part course - the Assistant Instructor (AI) course and the Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) program. If you like people, have a passion for scuba diving and want an extraordinary life – become a PADI Instructor. Teaching scuba diving allows you to share your love of the aquatic world with other... Find Out More

REACTIVATE Update your dive skills and knowledge with a quick scuba refresher from the PADI Open Water Diver Course before jumping back into the water. Haven’t been diving lately and want a quick scuba refresher? The ReActivate™ program is the perfect way to update your dive skills and knowledge from the PADI Open ... Find Out More

Seal Team The PADI Seal Team is for young scuba divers who are looking for action-packed fun in a pool by completing exciting AquaMissions. Have you ever wondered what it's like to dive with flashlights, take digital pictures underwater or float effortlessly like an astronaut? Beyond learning basic scuba skills, there are sp... Find Out More

SNORKELLING COURSE Learn to snorkel and skin dive! Explore the underwater world from the surface. The PADI Skin Diver certification helps you get - and keep - your fins wet. While snorkeling is limited to peering down from the surface, skin divers generally venture further than snorkelers, making frequent surface dives to... Find Out More

SPECIALTY SCUBA INSTRUCTOR COURSE Teach a specialty course that interests you. Choose from, Deep Diver, Night Diver or Public Safety Diver course, just to name a few. There are 25+ standard PADI Specialty Diver courses to choose from. More scuba diving and more fun sharing what interests you – that’s what teaching specialty diver courses... Find Out More

PADI Open Water Course Find Out More

Private PADI Open Water Course Welcome to Divers Cove, your premier dive center in Fort Lauderdale! Are you ready to embark on an exciting underwater adventure and become a certified scuba diver? Look no further because our PADI Open Water Diver Course is just what you need. With our all-inclusive package, priced at $999 for private 1-1 instruc... Find Out More

PADI Specialties

BOAT DIVER COURSE This course helps you expand your knowledge about boats from small inflatables to large liveaboards. You'll gain experience scuba diving by completing two dives from a boat. Much of the world’s best scuba diving is accessible only by boat. Whether you’ve never made a boat dive or you’ve logged ... Find Out More

DEEP DIVER COURSE Explore deeper dive sites with confidence at depths down to 40 metres/130 ft. Learn to manage your gas supply, go over buddy contact procedures, and buoyancy control. The lure of the deep. There’s something exciting and mysterious about exploring deeper dive sites while scuba diving. Sometimes it’s a wre... Find Out More

Delayed Surface Marker Buoy (DSMB) Diver Many divers wouldn't think of diving without carrying a delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB, and in some locations it's considered required safety equipment. Knowing how to properly deploy and manage a DSMB are valuable skills learned in this course. Boats and currents are two common factors associated with ma... Find Out More

DIGITAL UNDERWATER PHOTOGRAPHER COURSE The most popular diving specialties course. It’s easy and fun to capture images of your underwater scuba adventures. Underwater photography is one of the most popular diving specialties, and with so many underwater cameras to choose from, it has become easier and more fun than ever to capture images ... Find Out More

DRIFT DIVER COURSE Drift diving can be relaxing and exhilarating. The course teaches you how to enjoy going with the flow as you scuba dive down rivers and use ocean currents to glide along. The PADI Drift Diver Specialty course teaches you how to enjoy going with the flow as you scuba dive down rivers and use ocean currents to glide ... Find Out More

Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) The PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) Specialty is one of the most fun specialties to participate in. While originally used only by technical divers and the military, DPV’s are rapidly gaining popularity in the recreational diving sphere. DPVs offer a thrilling way to cover a lot of underwater territo... Find Out More

DRY SUIT DIVER COURSE Becoming a dry suit diver allows you to expand your boundaries and dive more places, more often. This suit seals you off from the water and keeps you comfortable, even in surprisingly cold water. Want to stay warm? Want to extend your scuba diving season? Then dive dry. A dry suit seals you off from the wa... Find Out More

ENRICHED AIR NITROX The most popular PADI specialty course. Scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decompression time, especially on repetitive scuba dives. The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty scuba course. Why? Because scuba diving with enriched air nitrox gives you more no decomp... Find Out More

Emergency First Responder Discover simple to follow steps for emergency care. This course focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency. Emergency First Response training focuses on building confidence in lay rescuers and increasing their willingness to respond ... Find Out More

Emergency O2 Provider Immediately recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen and be prepared to offer aid. There are no prerequisites or age restrictions. This course is open to everyone. Knowing how and when to use emergency oxygen is a great skill to have and means you’re ready to help others should the need... Find Out More

EQUIPMENT SPECIALIST Learn to manage basic scuba diving equipment repairs and adjustments. Understand routine care and maintenance procedures and how dive gear works. Don’t miss a dive due to minor issues with your scuba diving equipment. Whether it's a missing o-ring, wetsuit tear or a broken fin strap, the PADI Equipment Spe... Find Out More

Full Face Mask Take your diving to a whole new level with the PADI Full Face Mask Specialty course Diving with a full face mask allows you to breathe from your nose and mouth, and provides added comfort in colder water. The mask can also be fitted with communication gear, which can be useful for various types of s... Find Out More

PROJECT AWARE FISH IDENTIFICATION COURSE Enjoy dives even more when you can recognize and identify fish families and their characteristics. “What was that fish?” is a common question heard after a dive. If you want to be the scuba diver with the answers, instead of the one asking the questions, then take the Fish Identification Specialty course... Find Out More

NIGHT DIVER COURSE The underwater world changes as day creatures retire & nocturnal organisms emerge. If you've wondered what happens underwater after the sun goes down, enroll in the PADI Night Diver Specialty course. The thought of dipping below the surface at night seems mysterious, yet so alluring. Although you’ve be... Find Out More

PEAK PERFORMANCE BUOYANCY COURSE Observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. Improve the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevate them to the next level. Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You’ve seen them underwater. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover... Find Out More

PROJECT AWARE SPECIALTY Uniting scuba divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference. By earning this certification, you'll be aware of the most pressing problems facing aquatic environments and how to protect them. Project AWARE’s philosophy is to mobilize a global force of scuba divers and water enthusiasts who care about pr... Find Out More

SEARCH AND RECOVERY DIVER COURSE Retrieve lost items that have fallen overboard or over a dock. Learn effective swimming patterns and using a lift bag for heavy objects. It happens: People accidentally drop things from docks, off boats or even while scuba diving. If you’ve ever lost something in the water and wanted to go find it, then the PA... Find Out More

Self-Reliant Diver Although diving with a buddy is the norm, there are reasons for an experienced diver to develop self-reliance and independence while diving. Learning to carry out dives without a partner can make you a stronger diver in most dive situations. With proper training, equipment and the right attitude to accept the risks ... Find Out More

Wreck Diver Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for a new discovery. Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for scuba divers or lost as the result of an accident, wrecks are fascinating windows to the past. Ships, airplanes and even ca... Find Out More

UNDERWATER NATURALIST COURSE Get a better understanding of the local ecosystem and the differences between terrestrial and aquatic worlds. See new things, even in the most familiar dive sites. Take the PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty course and you’ll see new things, even on the most familiar scuba diving sites. Why? Because when kno... Find Out More

UNDERWATER NAVIGATOR COURSE Fine-tune your underwater observation skills and learn to use your compass more accurately. This course may count towards college credit, ask your instructor. Be the scuba diver everyone wants to follow because you know where you are and where you’re going. The PADI Underwater Navigator course fine-tunes your ... Find Out More

UNDERWATER VIDEOGRAPHER COURSE Capture the sights, sounds, and the dynamic motion of the underwater world as a videographer. Cover the fundamentals and create interesting, entertaining video worth watching again and again. Video is the best way to share the sights, sounds, motion and dynamics of the underwater world. If you want to get the best c... Find Out More

WRECK DIVER COURSE Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life. Each wreck dive offers a chance for a new discovery. Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for scuba divers or lost as the result of an accident, wrecks are fascinating windows to the past. Ships, airplanes and even ca... Find Out More
